Instructions for making Appointments
1. If making appointments:
On Monday to Friday ------ Needs to be 3 to 4 days ahead;
Weekends ------ Needs to be one week ahead.
2. The duration of each class:
2 --- 4 hours.
2 — 4小時。
3. Fees approximate:
Class tuition, firearm renting $75/person, 9mm ammo $25/box (box of 50, not includes tax).
Course does not include gun and ammo, please contact us through our email (tenfourtactical@gmail.com) before
class if need gun rental and ammo, or our customer service will contact you 48 hours before course start for detail
information confirm.
You can bring your own guns and ammo, our customer service will also contact you through phone call 48 hours
before course start for types of firearm.
All Bundles Classes attendees will be charged range fee $40/person.
課程費用,租槍$75/人,9mm 子彈$25/盒(每盒50發,不含稅)。
4. Photo ID is required, please send to our email (tenfourtactical@gmail.com) 48 hours before
course start; if we have not received your documents two days before class start, our customer service will contact
you for Personal ID and vaccine card. Course will not be confirmed until we received the document.
槍械課程的預約必須提供個人身分證明,請發送至我們郵箱 (tenfourtactical@gmail.com);如若課程48小時前還沒有收
5. We recommend start with Pistol level 1 course before any other levels ; if you had taken courses from other training
agency, you will still need choose pistol level 1 course and let us know, instructor will upgrade your course level when
your skill is qualified.
手槍初級課程且提前告知我們, 教官會在課上判斷您是否需要跳過初級課程。
6. Payment types: $100 deposit is required. The remaining payments could be paid via. cash or card on site.
付款方式:預付$100 押金,餘額現金支付或現場刷卡。
7. If you need to change the class time, please notice us at least one day ahead and reschedule. If you are late to the
class for more than 30 minutes without notice, the class will be automatically canceled and please reschedule with
8. Please read this before cancelling your class:
(1) Cancelling 48 hours ahead: deposits will be refunded (not including service charge)
(2) Cancelling within 48 hours: deposits will be refunded ($50 cancelling fees will be charge)
Rendezvous point before class:
1. Target Parking 停車場集合
Address 地址:809N Azusa Ave,Azusa,CA 91702,United States
2. After going through the train tracks and turning into the 1st floor parking lot, turn right immediately and meet us in the northeast corner of the parking lot.
3 hr 30 min
300 US dollars3 hr 30 min
600 US dollars3 hr 30 min
600 US dollars3 hr 30 min
600 US dollars3 hr 30 min
600 US dollars3 hr 30 min
500 US dollars3 hr
1,500 US dollars3 hr 30 min
1,500 US dollars3 hr
188 US dollars3 hr
288 US dollars3 hr
188 US dollars3 hr
588 US dollars